There are more than 25 billion chickens in the world, and dozens of breeds. With so many of them, it seems only natural to want to know more about this peculiar bird. Chickens are, without a doubt, one of the most interesting critters to own. To know them, is to fall madly in love with their beauty, their entertaining antics, and their sweet clucky chitter-chatter. These intelligent and very sociable chooks can “worm” their way into your heart within seconds.

Chickens are domestic or farm birds. The live span of a chicken is about 10 to 15 years. The male is larger and more brightly colored than the female. This is common feature in birds. The males show off their colorful feathers to attract the females.

A chicken has a comb on the head and two wattles under the neck. The male has a larger comb compared to the female. The male is called a rooster. The female is called a hen while the young are called chicks. The female is usually ready to lay her first eggs when she is around six months old.


There are approximatelty 175 varieties of chickens. They are grouped into 12 classes and approximately 60 breeds based on geographical areas :
- Asiatic, American, Continental, English, Mediterranean
See below for some of the different breeds :

  • Bantams. These are miniature chicken breeds.
  • Plymouth Rock. Originated in the United States.
  • Marans. They are small breeds preferred for their eggs rather than meat.
  • Leghorns. Most popular commercial breed. Usually white in color.
  • Rhode Island Red Chicken. This is a very popular breed of chicken.


(1) There are more chickens on earth than people – 25 billions.

(2) Chickens can remember over 100 different faces of people or animals.

(3) A mother hen turns her eggs about 50 times per day, and can lay more than 300 eggs per year.

(4)The record number of eggs laid by a chicken in one day is 7.

(5) Chickens have finely tuned senses.

(6) Chickens can exercise self-control.

(7)  Chickens have a great memory. They can distinguish between over 100 different faces of people or animals.

(8) Chickens have full-color vision.

(9)They actually dream dreams when they sleep.

(10) Chickens can feel pain or distress.

(11) Over 452 million hens are used a year for eggs.

(12) There are over 25 billion of them in the world, that's               more than any other bird.

(13) Each chicken sound means something specific.

(14) A chicken can live for a short while without a head! 

(15) A hen can lay more than 300 eggs a year.

(16) A mother hen turns her eggs about 50 times a day.

(17) The largest chicken egg weighed nearly 12 ounces.

(18) All the chickens eaten at KFC worldwide would circle the Earth at the equator 11 times.

(19) A freshly laid egg is 105 degrees Fahrenheit. 

(20) Scientists believe chickens were domesticated about 8000 years ago.

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