As we all Know Currency is most dominant topic to talk about for any country. While making some currencies list i found that its very difficult to set the proper order for least valuable currencies.
Today i am going to talk about 8 cheapest foreign currencies against US DOLLAR.

The exchange rate was updated on November 20, 2018.


1 USD = 42105 IRR 

Due to some unfortunate internal reason Iran is facing lots of difficulties to exports its oil, which created a critical deficit in there 
budget this causes Iranian Rial to become the worst currency in the world. Things are going worst for Iran currency day by day.

(2) Vietnamese Dong

1 USD = 23340.45 VND

Vietnamese Dong currency takes second place spot in our Poorest currencies list. However Veitnam is in developing country and they are growing well and i hope soon it will catch up with its Asian neighbours. 

(3) Indonesian Rupiah

1 USD = 14640 IDR

Indonesia is moving towards being developed. To be a developed countries like Australia, USA etc the Indonesian government needs to provide some facility for rural areas and in some big cities. It takes third place in our list of poorest currencies.

(4) Guinean Franc

1 USD = 9165 GNF

Guinean Franc is currency of Guinea, this country is located in West Africa. There are two main risk of Guinean economy the first is sustaining macroeconomic and fiscal reforms, and the second is ensuring social political stability. It takes fourth place in poorest currencies in our list.

(5) Laotian Kip

1 USD = 8545

Laotian Kip is also known as Lao and it is the only currency in the list which did not devalue. The currency issue date is in 1952 with such low rate. Lao currency is growing well against USD and continue to improve its value. This currency stands fifth poorest currency in our list.

(6) Sierra Leonean Leone

1 USD = 8375

Sierra Leone is a very poor African country due to to some serious test such as Ebola virus and war which had taken place caused local money of devalue. It ranks sixth in our poorest currencies list.

(7) Uzbek Som

1 USD = 8275 UZS

It is currency of Uzbekistan Country. A sharp depreciation of the Uzbek som after the relaxation of controls raised the official exchange rate to UZS 8275 to one US dollar. It ranks seventh in our poorest currency list.

(8) Paraguayan Guarani

1 USD = 5905.85 PYG

Paraguay exports cotton and soybean, but this is hardly enough to cover expenses. Paraguay is the second poverty South American country. It ranks eighth in my poorest currency list.

These are list of 8 poor currencies in world, i hope that will help you for your knowledge.

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