LIST OF 20 UNKNOWN FACTS ABOUT WATER

As we all know water is essential valuable resource in our earth without water life is impossible.The World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March all over the world. Today i am going to explain you some unknown facts about water.


  • Human Body is made up of 50-60% of water.

  • Water covers of total 70.8% of earth surface.

  • 97% of the water on Earth is salt water which is found in the Earth’s lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, swamps, etc and only 3% of the world’s fresh water is available.

  • Quantity of water is more in the atmosphere compared to our all combined rivers.

  • A running toilet can waste up to 750 litres of water each day.

  • There is total 1.7% of frozen water in world therefore its unusable.

  • Boiling Point of water is 100 degree Celsius and Freezing Point is 0 degrees Celsius.

  • To make 1 pint of beer takes 75 litres of water.

  • Every day 200 children get kills due to drinking of unsafe water.

  • Our human brain is made up of 70% of water.                       

  • 80% of diseases are causing due to unsafe drinking water.

  • A person can live only about a week without water.

  • In Antarctica over 90% of the world’s supply of fresh water.

  • I hope you had heard about the term WATER INTOXICATION that is due to excess drinking of water.

  • On Moon water is also discovered by NASA which is in form of Ice.                      

  • Human bones consists 3% of water.

  • PH Value of fresh water is neutral 7 its neither acidic nor basic.

  • Human body looses 1% of its total water when person feels thirsty.

  • Drinking of clean water can protect human body from many diseases.
The correct way to drink water is to sip it. Frequent sips. You probably will do this instinctively. The correct amount of water to drink is indicated by body demand, thirst. Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. Remember not to drink too soon before or after a meal as the water will dilute the digestive juices. Drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.

Today, its our responsibility to save water as much as we can that will be beneficial for our coming generation. These are some facts about water i hope that will help you.

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